It's a Great Time to Sell!

Spring is right around the corner and the real estate market is already hot! If your goal is to sell your house this spring, you’ll need to put ‘spring cleaning’ on your to-do list. One of the most important tasks on that list is to declutter. By getting rid of the clutter, your home visually gains more square footage and buyers will be able to actually see the positive features of your home and picture themselves living there.

Don’t get overwhelmed. Pick a small area such as an entryway, a closet or even just a shelf and make it your goal to organize that one space.  Make three piles:  keep, throw away and donate. Make sure you follow through with throwing out or donating the items otherwise they will just end up cluttering another space in your home.

Make a point to schedule periods of time to organize (even if it’s just 15 minutes) certain areas of your home. Little by little you’ll have your whole house decluttered.

You don’t want all your hard work to go to waste. Don’t allow the clutter to creep back in! Make sure every item has a ‘home’. If the item gets moved, you know exactly where it’s supposed to go (so make sure it gets ‘home’.) If you can’t find a home for new items, it may be time to throw something away or donate it.

So get to work and take the first steps to get your home in tip top shape. Any of our excellent Realtors® at will do the rest and get your house sold!